Directions (1 – 5): Each of the following sentences is divided in to four parts. Any of the parts may contain an error. Select the part that has an error. Select option (d), if you find no error in the sentence. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

1. My sister-in-laws (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have come to stay with us. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: Replace ‘sister-in-laws’ with ‘sister-in-law’.

2. A woman who always (a)/ connives on the mistakes (b)/ of her children is their worst enemy. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: b)

Explanation: Replace ‘on’ with ‘at’.

3. As the celebration was going (a)/ we noticed Mrs. Sharma fall back (b)/ in her chair gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: Add ‘on’ after ‘going’.

4. Transporting goods by (a)/ air is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: c)

Explanation: Add ‘by’ before ‘land’.

5. She, you and I (a)/ will manage the (b)/ workflow together. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: The correct form is ‘You, she and I’.

Directions (6 – 10): Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.

6. They recognise that problems that were too big to crack in the past can now be solved precisely because of _____________, algorithms and sensors.  

a)      Amortization

b)      Digitization

c)      Initialization

d)      Localization

Answer: b)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Digitization’ which means ‘process of converting information into a digital format’ fits in the blank.

7. According to the last population ____________, globally India has the largest illiterate population.  

a)      Agreement

b)      Economy

c)      Census

d)      Consensus

Answer: c)

Spotting the Errors

Directions (1 – 5): Each of the following sentences is divided in to four parts. Any of the parts may contain an error. Select the part that has an error. Select option (d), if you find no error in the sentence. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

1. My sister-in-laws (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have come to stay with us. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: Replace ‘sister-in-laws’ with ‘sister-in-law’.

2. A woman who always (a)/ connives on the mistakes (b)/ of her children is their worst enemy. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: b)

Explanation: Replace ‘on’ with ‘at’.

3. As the celebration was going (a)/ we noticed Mrs. Sharma fall back (b)/ in her chair gasping for breath. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: Add ‘on’ after ‘going’.

4. Transporting goods by (a)/ air is cheaper (b)/ than land. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: c)

Explanation: Add ‘by’ before ‘land’.

5. She, you and I (a)/ will manage the (b)/ workflow together. (c)/ No error (d)

Answer: a)

Explanation: The correct form is ‘You, she and I’.

Fill in the blanks in sentences

Directions (6 – 10): Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.

6. They recognise that problems that were too big to crack in the past can now be solved precisely because of _____________, algorithms and sensors.  

a)      Amortization

b)      Digitization

c)      Initialization

d)      Localization

Answer: b)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Digitization’ which means ‘process of converting information into a digital format’ fits in the blank.

7. According to the last population ____________, globally India has the largest illiterate population.  

a)      Agreement

b)      Economy

c)      Census

d)      Consensus

Answer: c)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Census’ which means ‘an official count or survey, especially of a population’ fits in the blank.

8. A transparent regulatory environment, clarity on applicability of existing tax Laws, less __________ by State and minimum restriction or regulation are the key takeaways from the Startup launch.

a)      Interference

b)      Aid

c)      Help

d)      Fund

Answer: a)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Interference’ which means ‘the act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding’ fits in the blank.

9. A Limited Liability Partnership, popularly known as LLP combines the advantages of both the Company and Partnership into a single form of organization and offers a ___________ structure.  

a)      Homogeneous

b)      Concentration

c)      Separated

d)      Hybrid

Answer: d)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Hybrid’ which means ‘a thing made by combining two different elements’ fits in the blank.

10. The e-commerce market has grown exponentially and evolved as a leading source of the much needed foreign ___________ required by our economy.

a)      Institution

b)      Affair

c)      Investment

d)      Tourist

Answer: c)

Explanation: As per the meaning of the sentence, the word ‘Investment’ which means ‘flow of capital from one nation to another in exchange for significant ownership stakes in domestic companies’ fits in the blank.

Directions (11 – 15): The following sentences have a certain phrase highlighted in bold. Choose the correct phrase from the options given below to replace the highlighted phrase and make it grammatically correct. Ignore punctuation errors if any.

11.  If you do not finish your presentation, the manager is going to give you a large time.

a)      Over time

b)      Less time

c)      Hard time

d)      Soft time

Answer: c)

12.  We cannot move forward without Ankit, so let’s call it a year.

a)      Call it a month

b)      Say it a year

c)      Say it a day

d)      Call it a day

Answer: d)

13.  My parents call me every then and now to see if I’m doing well.

a)      now and then

b)      now and when

c)      when and where

d)      Here and there

Answer: a)

14.  He will realize that he is doing something bad quicker or later.

a)      Faster or later

b)      Later or sooner

c)      Sooner or later

d)      Slower or later

Answer: c)

15.  What’s the matter? Has the cat got your mouth?

a)      Cat got your hair

b)      Cat got your teeth

c)      Cat got your face

d)      Cat got your tongue

Answer: d)

Directions (16 – 25): Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Passage – 1

That the global economy is slowing down is an understatement. This is more so when much of the world economic activity’s fulcrum is oil. With oil prices falling below $28 per barrel and set to drop further — some suggest they could fall as low as $10 a barrel. The reason? Iran, a major oil producer, just free from sanctions imposed by the US, is all set to boost its crude output. The country has announced that it will increase its crude output by 500,000 barrels a day. With this, the global crude oil market is set for a glut and consequent collapse in oil prices.

Experts point to China as one of the main reasons for the slow down. The dragon economy has become a drag on the global economy. Growth slowed down to 6.9 per cent after the fourth quarter slowed to 6.8 per cent last year. This was exacerbated by a huge outflow of capital, a slide in the Yuan currency and stock market crashes. With many of the markets riding piggyback on the Chinese economy, demand fell everywhere and impacted the world economy at large. The latest forecast by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its global growth forecast for 2016 at 3.4 per cent, down 0.2 per cent but put India’s projected growth at 7.5 per cent, up from 7.3 per cent last year. So, as the dragon slows down, it could be the time of the resurgent tiger, cranked up by low oil prices.

16.  According to the passage, what will be the main reason for drop in the oil prices in future?

a)      Iran’s decision to decrease the output of crude oil.

b)      Iran’s decision to increase the output of crude oil.

c)      Iran’s decision to increase the input of crude oil.

d)      Iran’s decision to decrease the input of crude oil.

Answer:  b)

Explanation: The first paragraph clearly states that the oil prices may fall to $10 a barrel in future as Iran, a major oil producer is all set to boost its crude output.

17.  What does the author mean by saying ‘global crude oil market is set for a glut’?

a)      Less supply of crude oil in the domestic market.

b)      Less supply of crude oil in the global market.

c)      Excessive supply of crude oil in the global market.

d)      Excessive supply of crude oil in the domestic market.

Answer:  c)

Explanation: The word ‘Glut’ means an excessively abundant supply of something.

18.  According to the passage, what is the main reason of recent global economic slowdown?

a)      Growth in the Chinese Economy.

b)      Slowdown in the Chinese Economy.

c)      Increase in the Yuan currency.

d)      None of the above

Answer:  b)

Explanation: The second paragraph clearly states that drop in Chinese economy is one of the main reasons for the global economic slowdown.

19.  What does the word ‘exacerbated’ mean in the passage?

a)      Making a good situation even worse.

b)      Making a bad situation even worse.

c)      Making a bad situation better.

d)      Making a good situation even better.

Answer:  b)

Explanation: The word ‘exacerbate’ means to make something that is already bad even worse.

20.  Which of the following statement is incorrect according to the passage?

a)      The oil prices are falling below $28 per barrel.

b)      There has been growth in the Yuan currency.

c)      International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its global growth forecast for 2016 at 3.4%.

d)      Iran announced that it will increase its crude output by 500,000 barrels a day.

Answer: b)

Explanation: The second paragraph clearly states that the Chinese economy suffered more by a huge outflow of capital, a slide in the Yuan currency and stock market crashes. Hence, option b) is incorrect.

Passage – 2

Where would modern society be without advertising? Individual advertisers might think they are just trying to sell a particular product but advertising as a whole sells us an entire lifestyle. If it weren’t for advertising the whole of society would be quite different. The economy, for instance, would be plunged into a crisis without the adverts and all the publicity that fuel our desire for limitless consumption. As John Berger observed in his book “Ways of Seeing”, all advertising conveys the same simple message: my life will be richer, more fulfilling once I make the next crucial purchase. Adverts persuade us with their images of others who have apparently been transformed and are, as a result, enviable. The purpose is to make me marginally dissatisfied with my life – not with the life of society, just with my individual life. I am supposed to imagine myself transformed after the purchase into an object of envy for others – an envy which will then give me back my love of myself.

The prevalence of this social envy is a necessary condition if advertising is to have any hold on us whatsoever. Only if we have got into the habit of comparing ourselves with others and finding ourselves lacking, will we fall prey to the power of advertising. While fanning the flames of our envy advertising keeps us preoccupied with ourselves, our houses, our cars, our holidays and the endless line of new electronic gadgets that suddenly seem indispensable.

21.  According to the author of the passage, which of the following statement is true in the context of advertising?

a)      Advertising sells us a whole new brand.

b)      Advertising sells us a whole product.

c)      Advertising sells us an entire lifestyle.

d)      Advertising sells us a cheaper product.

Answer: c)

Explanation: The second line of the passage clearly states that individual advertisers might think they are just trying to sell a particular product but advertising as a whole sells us an entire lifestyle.

22.  Advertising helps in instilling:

a)      Manufacturers desire for limitless consumption.

b)      Customers desire for limitless consumption.

c)      Distributors desire for limitless consumption.

d)      Whole-sellers desire for limitless consumption.

Answer: b)

Explanation: The first paragraph clearly states that the economy would be plunged into a crisis without the adverts and all the publicity that fuel our desire for limitless consumption.

23.  According to the book “Ways of Seeing”, advertising create what type of feeling in the people?

a)      Hatred

b)      Love

c)      Sadness

d)      Envy

Answer: d)

Explanation: The first paragraph clearly states that Advertisers their target audience to imagine themselves transformed after the purchase into an object of envy for others.

24.  What does the phrase ‘fanning the flames’ mean in the passage?

a)      To make something bigger.

b)      To make something more intense.

c)      To make something less intense.

d)      To make something better.

Answer: b)

Explanation: The phrase ‘fanning the flames’ mean to make something more intense.

25.  According to the passage, the power of advertising becomes more stronger when:

a)      People get into the habit of fighting physically with others.

b)      People get into the habit of making peace with others.

c)      People get into the habit of comparing themselves with others.

d)      People get into the habit of saving money.

Answer: c)

Explanation: the second paragraph clearly states that ‘only if we have got into the habit of comparing ourselves with others and finding ourselves lacking, will we fall prey to the power of advertising’.

Directions (26 – 30): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which follow.

(A)   As a background to the case, it is notable that Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Ltd. and Sahara Housing Investment Corporation Ltd., entities that come under the Sahara Group, were directed by SEBI in 2011 to return about Rs. 24,000 crore that they had raised through the issue of optional fully convertible debentures.

(B)   Of this, SEBI has received an aggregate amount, including interest earned on deposits, of about Rs. 14,487 crore from the Sahara Group.

(C)   But according to SEBI’s latest annual report, as on March 31, 2017 only about Rs. 85.02 crore, including interest of about Rs. 38.05 crore, of this amount has actually been returned to investors.

(D)  But the Securities and Exchange Board of India, which was tasked by the Supreme Court to oversee the actual transfer of money from the Sahara Group to investors, is clueless about where to find those investors.

(E)   It has been about five years since the Supreme Court ordered the Sahara Group, led by Subrata Roy, to refund money that it borrowed from investors without sufficient regulatory clearance.

(F)    The total amount, including interest on the initial principal, that needs to be refunded to investors has bulged to about Rs. 40,000 crore now.

26.  Which of the following sentence should be the 4th after rearrangement?

a)      A

b)      E

c)      C

d)      B

e)      D

Answer: d)

27.  Which of the following sentence should be the 3rd after rearrangement?

a)      C

b)      F

c)      B

d)      A

e)      D

Answer: b)

28.  Which of the following sentence should be the 6th (Last) after rearrangement?

a)      A

b)      C

c)      D

d)      E

e)      B

Answer: a)

29.  Which of the following sentence should be the 2nd after rearrangement?

a)      E

b)      B

c)      D

d)      A

e)      C

Answer: c)

30.  Which of the following sentence should be the 1st after rearrangement?

a)      C

b)      D

c)      E

d)      A

e)      B

Answer: c)

Explanation for 26-30: The proper sequence of sentences to make a meaningful paragraph will be ‘EDFBCA’:

1)      It has been about five years since the Supreme Court ordered the Sahara Group, led by Subrata Roy, to refund money that it borrowed from investors without sufficient regulatory clearance.

2)      But the Securities and Exchange Board of India, which was tasked by the Supreme Court to oversee the actual transfer of money from the Sahara Group to investors, is clueless about where to find those investors.

3)      The total amount, including interest on the initial principal, that needs to be refunded to investors has bulged to about Rs. 40,000 crore now.

4)      Of this, SEBI has received an aggregate amount, including interest earned on deposits, of about Rs. 14,487 crore from the Sahara Group.

5)      But according to SEBI’s latest annual report, as on March 31, 2017 only about Rs. 85.02 crore, including interest of about Rs. 38.05 crore, of this amount has actually been returned to investors.

6)      As a background to the case, it is notable that Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Ltd. and Sahara Housing Investment Corporation Ltd., entities that come under the Sahara Group, were directed by SEBI in 2011 to return about Rs. 24,000 crore that they had raised through the issue of optional fully convertible debentures.

Directions (31 – 34): In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. For each number some words are suggested below the passage, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find the appropriate words.

Persistently low inflation, or “lowflation,” is __31__ lots of people. According to the recent minutes of policy meetings of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, central banks on both sides of the Atlantic have been trying to identify the __32__ — but with limited success so far. This complicates monetary policy decisions and undermines the range of institutional solutions that have been proposed by academics. Until these changes, central banks may need to think more __33__ about the objectives of monetary policy, including the unintended consequences for future financial __34__ and growth of being too loose for too long.


a)      Aiding

b)      Vexing

c)      Comforting

d)      Pleasing

e)      None of the above

Answer: b)

Explanation: The appropriate word should be ‘Vexing’ which to make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters.


a)      Conclusions

b)      Outputs

c)      Causes

d)      Effects

e)      None of the above

Answer: c)

Explanation: The appropriate word should be ‘cause’ which means a person or thing that give rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.


a)      Spiritually

b)      Fractionally

c)      Partially

d)      Holistically

e)      None of the above

Answer: d)

Explanation: The appropriate word should be ‘Holistically’ which means things should be studied as a whole and not just as a sum of their parts.


a)      Insecurity

b)      Variability

c)      Stability

d)      Uncertainty

e)      None of the above

Answer: c)

Explanation: The appropriate word should be ‘stability’.


Directions (35 – 37): In each of the following questions, the first word is given in capital letters followed by four alternative words. Select from the alternatives the word nearest in meaning to the word given in capital letters.


a)      Depressed

b)      Discouraged

c)      Drunken

d)      Demotivate

Answer: c)

36.  FEIGN

a)      Weak

b)      Pretend

c)      Faint

d)      Honest

Answer: b)


a)      Cunning

b)      Ugly

c)      Sinful

d)      Harmonic

Answer: d)


Directions (38 – 40): In each of the following questions, the first word is given in capital letters followed by four other words, one of which is the antonym of the first word. Find the word.


a)      Imperfect

b)      Heavy

c)      Flawless

d)      Exquisite

Answer: a)


a)      Reduce

b)      Allure

c)      Repel

d)      Tempt

Answer: c)


a)      Provisional

b)      Important

c)      Temporary

d)      Finished

Answer: d)

Sentence Correction/Improvement

Directions (41 – 50): In the following questions each sentence has an underlined part that can be improved by replacing the part with one among the four options given below. Choose the correct option and if you think no improvements can be made, then select (d) as your answer.

41.  Three hours have elapsed since she had fallen asleep.

a)      Was fallen

b)      Has fallen

c)      fell

d)      No Improvement

Answer: c)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “Three hours have elapsed since she fell asleep”.

42.  The Principal asked, “Why you are late?”

a)      Why are you late?

b)      Why you were late?

c)      Why late are you?

d)      No improvement

Answer: a)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be – The Principal asked, “Why are you late?”

43.  Many a man have died of swine flu.

a)      Have died from swine flu

b)      Has died of swine flu

c)      Have been dying of swine flu

d)      No improvement

Answer: b)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “Many a man has died of swine flu”.

44.  My husband is ill since three months.

a)      Has been ailing for

b)      Has been ailing since

c)      Has been ill since

d)      No improvement

Answer: a)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “My husband has been ailing for three months”.

45.  He was too canny to see through her tricks.

a)      See into her tricks

b)      See her tricks

c)      See at her tricks

d)      No improvement

Answer: d)

Explanation: There is no grammatical error in the sentence.

46.  I congratulated him for his success in the examination.

a)      of

b)      at

c)      on

d)      No improvement

Answer: c)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “I congratulated him on his success in the examination”.

47.  They will be coming to attend the birthday party, isn’t it?

a)      Isn’t they

b)      Won’t they

c)      Aren’t they

d)      No improvement

Answer: b)

Explanation: The correct sentence would be “They will be coming to attend the birthday party, won’t they?”

48.  He had no difficulty to settle down to his new life in the village.

a)      For settling down

b)      In settling down

c)      At settling down

d)      No improvement

Answer: b)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “He had no difficulty in settling down to his new life in the village”.

49.  I have been working on this project for the last seven days.

a)      Have been worked

b)      Am working

c)      Has been working

d)      No Improvement

Answer: d)

Explanation: There is no grammatical error in the sentence.

50.  The murderer was ordered to be hung to death.

a)      Hang till death

b)      Hung till death

c)      Hanged till death

d)      No Improvement

Answer: c)

Explanation: The grammatically correct sentence would be “The murderer was ordered to be hanged till death.”